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Access 360 delivered over 150 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) seminars throughout 2022

Access 360 celebrates CPD success

Access 360, one of the UK’s leading access solutions manufacturers, delivered over 150 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) seminars throughout 2022, sharing expert knowledge and advice with over 3,000 architects, specifiers and contractors.

As a building products manufacturer positioned at the forefront of industry advancements, Access 360’s complete suite of RIBA-accredited CPDs provide industry professionals with the very latest guidance on regulations and best practice.

3,153 professionals attended 156 CPDs last year, which were delivered by Access 360’s experienced team of Specifcation Sales Managers as part of online webinars or in person seminars.

This includes its most popular CPD, Fire & Smoke Access Solutions, which explores the fundementals of fire ratings and certification, in addition to successfully managing access, fire safety and security requirements for commercial and residential buildings.

The Roof Access and Natural Smoke Ventilation for Flat Roofs CPD outlines current practice regarding the provision of smoke ventilation and roof access, whilst discussing new design considerations and applications as a result of latest Building Regulations. It also provides best practice guidance on the installation of roof safety products.

Access 360’s flagship CPD, Safe, Practical and Aesthetic Roof, Celing, Wall and Floor Access Solutions, provides an essential guide to the specification of access solutions. Exploring the purpose and reason for access, whilst also identifying and overcoming access challenges, the CPD advises professionals on how to successfully meet the requirements of all project types.

Marcus Parnham, Commercial Director for Access 360, said: “As one of the industry’s leading manufacturers of access solutions, we have a repsonsbility to ensure we are supporting industry professionals in achieving successful and compliant specifications for every project.

“That’s why we are committed to delivering an extensive CPD programme that addresses the very latest regulatory changes, in addition to current industry trends and requirements. Throughout 2023, we will be building on last year’s success to provide even more professionals with the advice and guidance they require.”

Access 360 will be extending its CPD programme throughout 2023 and is encouraging construction professionals to contact them regarding topics they require information and support on.

To submit a suggestion, or to sign up to an online CPD, or arrange for one of Access 360’s Specification Sales Managers to deliver a CPD seminar in person, please email [email protected].

Access 360 comprises of Bilco UK, Profab Access and Howe Green, which together provide a total manufacturing solution for roof, ceiling, wall and floor access products to the construction industry.

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